Best Response - Are transfer students required to submit transcripts?

Are transfer students required to submit transcripts?

Applicants must submit official transcripts from all secondary and post-secondary institutions attended.

A transcript is considered official if it is produced by and bears the seal of the issuing institution. Official transcripts must be sent from the issuing institution directly to Admission Services.

Note: OUAC provides an electronic transcript service for applicants who have attended High School, College or University in Ontario. When completing the 105 application, you can pay OUAC to contact your former school(s) and request electronic transcripts from the issuing institution to be sent directly to Admission Services at the University of Guelph. This is recommended.

At the time of your application, please send all transcripts, including mid-term grades as we may make a conditional decision with mid-terms. We also require that you follow up with final transcripts when your final marks are available.

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If you still need more information, contact the Office of Registrarial Services or the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

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