Best Response - What if I take summer school courses, what marks will be considered?

How do I register?


Please follow the instructions that best reflects your situation:

There are several ways to register for sections/classes/courses using WebAdvisor.  Please select the instructions for your preferred registration process or visit your campus?s Student Planning website for video tutorials and other help documentation.

Best Response - What if I take summer school courses, what marks will be considered?

What summer courses does U of G have?

The Summer Semester at the University of Guelph lets you take advantage of a wide variety of on-campus and distance education courses. The Summer Semester begins in early May.

You can pick up courses that you've missed or dropped, or you can get ahead and reduce your course load in future semesters. There are 12-week courses and 6-week courses. Choose what suits you best!

We offer many financial options for students studying in the summer: Work Study, Bursaries, and OSAP. Visit the Student Financial Services website for details.

Learn more about the Summer Semester and Distance Education courses.


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If you still need more information, contact the Office of Registrarial Services or the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

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