Best Response - What is Ask Gryph?

Ask Gryph is our on line help system.

We try to put answers to the most commonly asked questions into the database to assist visitors to the websites of the Office of Registrarial Services, especially at those times when the office is closed.

If you don't find an answer the first time you ask a question, then try asking the question using different words. We try to attach criteria to the responses that match with the many different ways a request for information might be asked. If your question does not generate a response which answers your question, then you can always send the support staff an email, by choosing the link at the bottom of the response page.

Staff check AskGryph emails at points in the day between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. EST, Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. It can take 1 to 3 business days to get you an answer, depending on the complexity of your request, so please try rephrasing your question or check the suggested links while you wait for a response. Thank you.

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If you still need more information, contact the Office of Registrarial Services or the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

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