Best Response - webadv: Your previous session has expired and is no longer valid.

webadv: Your previous session has expired and is no longer valid.

There are a limited number of licenses which can be used to conduct business on WebAdvisor.

If you leave the computer inactive for a period of time, you will be disconnected from WebAdvisor to make the licenses available to others.

Session Expired Warning


The request timed out

For security purposes WebAdvisor is programmed to terminate any session that becomes inactive after 10 minutes. This is to insure that no unauthorized person can make changes to your file in the event that you forget to log out. You may also receive this message if you do not have your "cookies" properly enabled. In order to be able to use WebAdvisor, "cookies" must be ENABLED on your computer. Check to see if such is the case.


You should make note of the current security settings of your browser in case they have to be set back as a requirement of your ISP.

Disclaimer: We are providing these instructions in an attempt to help you resolve connection problems with WebAdvisor. These instructions may or may not resolve the connection issues that you experience, because of other mitigating factors such as firewalls, proxy servers, browser versions, browser security patch versions and the like. Anytime that you make changes to the security levels on your computer you should take the time to understand the significance of those changes. The support web site for the browser you are using will provide a good starting point.


This error does NOT require a waiver form to be corrected.

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If you still need more information, contact the Office of Registrarial Services or the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies

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